Athletic Training Medical Eligibility Forms
Athletic training is practiced by athletic trainers (AT), health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize activity and participation of patients and clients across age and care continuums. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities. ATs work under the direction of physicians.
Medical Eligibility forms for 2023-24 are now available by clicking on the above image. All eligibility forms for the 2023-24 school year can be submitted starting May 22 and must be submitted by August 1. All student-athletes are required to mee the August 1 deadline and should be scheduling their physicals for June or July in order to mee the deadline.
Chapman University Athletic Training
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide student-athletes with personalized attention and quality medical care that promotes a healthy lifestyle as well as safe and effective athletic participation. At the same time we aim to stimulate intellectual growth and develop practical skills that will lead to the maturation of the athletic training student into a quality health care professional.
View Chapman Athletics' Patients' Bill of Rights
The Athletic Training Clinic will be available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
- The athletic Training Staff is available by appointment only (schedule an appointment)
- Athletic training appointments are limited to 2 per week
- Athletic training appointments are limited to 45 minutes per visit
- No pre practice taping, stretching, etc. will be performed
- Student athletes must bring their own water to practice
- If ice is needed the athletic trainer or coach will retrieve it
Please make appointments for treatments and keep them, these hours are subject to change due to event schedules and staff limitations
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