Chapman Athletics Media Policy

Chapman Athletics Interview Policy

All interview requests for student-athletes, coaches and administrators should be made through Chapman’s Sports Information Office. In order to avoid scheduling conflicts, requests should be made to Chapman’s Sports Information Director no less than 24 before the requested time.

Postgame Interviews

Per NCAA rules, a 10-minute cooling off period will be enforced at the end of every contest. After the required 10 minutes, coaches and student-athletes will be made available to working media. Requests should be made with the Sports Information Office near the end of the contest.


Press credentials are required for entrance to athletic contests and field access for photographers. Requests for credentials can be made to the Sports Information Director no less than 24 hours before the contest.

Per NCAA rules, working media should remain outside of the team bench area at all times and off the playing area. Photographers must be mobile (no tripods) while on the field and should not be in a position which may interfere with the contest.

Sports Information Director Contact Info

Steven Olveda