Take 2: Chapman football sending holiday wishes to the troops

Take 2: Chapman football sending holiday wishes to the troops

ORANGE, Calif. – Less than a week after their season finale, the Chapman University football is getting in the holiday spirit. For the second year in a row, the Panthers will record holiday wishes to the thousands of U.S. troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan in a display of support and appreciation.

On Wednesday, Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Attallah Piazza on the Chapman University campus, a booth will be set up with a video camera for all members of the Chapman community to create their own message of support. The messages, along with some highlights from the Panthers’ 2010 football season will be compiled and then distributed to the troops abroad.

"There are things we can do to reach out and support them. Those men and women are making huge sacrifices for our country," said head football coach Bob Owens. "It's a real simple way to say ‘Happy Holidays' and let them know Chapman University is thinking about them and appreciates what they're doing."

Coach Owens first came up with this idea a few years back when former Chapman football player Paul Ramirez was deployed to Iraq. Ramirez played for the Panthers in 2006. Ramirez is still a big Chapman football supporter and will help distribute the DVDs amongst the troops.

Chapman University seniors Jon Martinez and football alumni Bryan Ziebelman will once again help with the production of the video.

by Doug Aiken
Sports Information Director